Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Great Auditions this week

Had a great time auditioning this week.  Got to go to Berwyn IL.  Never been there.  Check that off the bucket list.   People at 16th St theater really nice.   Everybody is really nice.  Did the Remy Bumppo general auditions last week and the staff was incredibly nice.  Nick Sandys gets up and chats with me. I do my pieces and he gets up again and chats some more.  (Arrrrrgh, couldn't remember a character from The Winters Tale (I did Camillo from it), but either could he.) But it was great.

I guess I am saying they went out of their way to make it a good experience.  I don't need coffee and donuts or a gift certificate but it was a great experience.

Also auditioned for the Poor Theatre for their show Good Thing by Jessica Goldberg.   Great show and perfect part for me.  Fingers crossed.  

I still laugh at the time it takes to get to an audition, prep, dress, and hop in the car---park and walk in then five minutes of work-----then you're done and wondering what you are going to do the rest of the day?  It still amazes me.  The life of the theater.   Gotta love it.