Tuesday, April 16, 2013

BAD MOON RISING shot and in the can

Finished shooting BAD MOON RISING  out at Gompers Park.  First film outside and we managed to be right in the flight path of  O'Hare on Saturday.   This park is right in Sauganash Village area which is at Peterson south to Foster right near the 94.  Really amazing area.  Took some photo's below.
It was a little muddy, but really fun crew and I felt good about it.


Just got some production photo's from Pretty Endings where I drown my girl friends lover in soup.  This premieres May 5 at Loyola.  Looking forward to it.

Understudying at The Artistic Home Night of the Iguana

I have been asked to understudy two parts for Night of the Iguana at the Artistic Home.     Got to start somewhere.   This sounds like being the equivalent of the 14th man on the basketball team and never know when you are going to be put in the game.    Should be interesting.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TWO Films shooting in next few weeks.

Excited to have a role in two short films the next two weekends.   PRETTY ENDINGS---old artist with a young girl friend and (go figure) she cheats on me and I get even with the other boy friend by drowning him in a nice vat of soup.  

Then BAD MOON RISING is an outdoor spooky, dark comedy monster adventure where I play the trouble divorced dad (a common character in many short films) who takes his two troubled teenage sons out into the woods----trapping.  And we run into a creature of the forest who does not like us.