Monday, November 25, 2013

DOUBTING THOMAS next up on the list.

Here is the next show to finish out the Triple Header I strung together starting in August.   Hint: this one deals with religion.  Clockwise Theatre in Waukegan IL.  Directed by Doug McDade.

Good Thing ends. Production Photo's

Good Thing ended a few weeks ago and got rolling as the third week came upon us. Everybody did a great job and it was a great part (John Roy ) for me.   Really going to miss this show.  But on to

Friday, November 1, 2013

My Matt Miller Showcase Video

After much hassle with figuring out what happened to my sound.  I proudly post my showcase video I did with Matt Miller.  He records it and then formats at his webpage and sends it out to a list of very powerful casting people, directors and theaters.  It stays up all year and the price is right.  Really worth it.   Have not had anything yet, but you have to put it out there.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


We opened last night and really have learned a lot.  Group of young actors is quite impressive and kept me on my toes.  The core ensemble members have a great spirit and reminds me of running Beacon St. Playhouse when I was exactly their age.  Wow seems so long ago.    Will Crouse directed and was willing to change his mind about the play right up to opening, which was gutsy, but glad he did.  I think I would have found some middle ground that late in the game, but he would not relent.  And it was worth the result.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Opening in less than a week and really excited.  Learning a lot from this great group.  I was thinking it has been a while since I did a serious drama.   Really a different kind of experience for me.  Times I feel good and times I feel "what am I doing."   Than Will comes in and says "you are doing great, man."   I am too much in my head.    Meisner would be kicking me out of class right now.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

First TV Audition for MIND GAMES

Got the call last night and showed up for five minutes and auditioned for MIND GAMES that is filming here in Chicago.  Was really fun.  And it's up to that mysterious lady in the back of the room if I go on to a callback.   Please TV Gods.

Friday, September 27, 2013

GOOD THING improving this Week

GOOD THING in Rehearsal. Really going to be good. Improving all week and had some unpleasant screw up moments to walk through with my stage wife.  Forgetting the anniversary stuff like that. Great Cast and you need to come and see it. Make plans now!

Previews: October 26th, 27th
Opening Night: October 28th

November 1st - November 10th: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays (8pm)
November 14th - November 16th: Thursday, Friday, Saturday (8pm)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


LEADING LADIES had a great final weekend.   Great cast of Robert Bailey, Bryan Burke, Christina Gorman, Loretta Hauser, Gary Simmers, Grant Schumacher, and Melody Jeffries.   Really a great team of actors and they treated me well.   Going to miss getting my laundry done every night.    Buffalo Theatre Ensemble is getting squeezed by the College of DuPage who partially funded them (so stipulated when the MAC Center was donated to them many years ago.  

I am two weeks into GOOD THING and this cast of talented young actors (me excluded from "young reference but I will keep talented!) are going to be wonderful to work with.    We open end of October at the Rivendell Theatre Space.

Purchase Tickets now by Clicking Here.    Cast is below.

Melonie Collmann

Alex Fisher

Dillon Kelleher

Michael Medford

Abbey Smith

Director: Will Crouse

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Theater Gods shine down. Now cast in Three shows. Picked up by Jennifer's Talent Agency

I cannot believe my good fortune this past month as I got cast in three plays coming up.  First I am at the Buffalo Theatre Ensemble doing LEADING LADIES directed by Kurt Naebig.  I am playing the role of Doc and get to be super awkward.  Great cast and will be a lot of fun  opening Sept. 4

Then I will be John Roy is GOOD THING at Poor Theatre directed by Will Crouse.  Really fun, new group with lots of energy and drive.  That will open October 26.

AND just got the role of Pastor Bob in DOUBTING THOMAS at Clockwise Theatre directed by Doug McDade.  Opens January 24.

Last but not least, I have been picked up by Jennifer's Talent Unlimited Inc. in Wisconsin with a non-exclusive contract, but a whole new market for me up in Milwaukee area.

Dancing in the Outback

Let it be said I don't have the moves and follow intricate choreography.   This is a dance done by the Aborigine people, that-----I taught them.  Take a Look--at our final dress.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I Got Cast!!!

Got cast in GOOD THING with The Poor Theatre opening end of October.  Really excited!  The part of John Roy.  Written by Jessica Goldberg.  Francis Guinan did the part when it opened in LA. Comparisons?  Hmmmmm.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Great Auditions this week

Had a great time auditioning this week.  Got to go to Berwyn IL.  Never been there.  Check that off the bucket list.   People at 16th St theater really nice.   Everybody is really nice.  Did the Remy Bumppo general auditions last week and the staff was incredibly nice.  Nick Sandys gets up and chats with me. I do my pieces and he gets up again and chats some more.  (Arrrrrgh, couldn't remember a character from The Winters Tale (I did Camillo from it), but either could he.) But it was great.

I guess I am saying they went out of their way to make it a good experience.  I don't need coffee and donuts or a gift certificate but it was a great experience.

Also auditioned for the Poor Theatre for their show Good Thing by Jessica Goldberg.   Great show and perfect part for me.  Fingers crossed.  

I still laugh at the time it takes to get to an audition, prep, dress, and hop in the car---park and walk in then five minutes of work-----then you're done and wondering what you are going to do the rest of the day?  It still amazes me.  The life of the theater.   Gotta love it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Musical of the Living Dead Audition II

Bummer, never heard from them from May audition---- but they auditioned again, and I talked my way back in.     TEN gallons of blood a night per show.  And they are going to have two casts.  Only one part for a semi-old guy.  But I will take it.  Only show where the directors kept saying bigger, BIGGER!!  Love it.

Perkins and Talent Group

Just got hooked up with the folks at Talent Group and really excited.  AND did my first audition at Paskal Rudnicke for a Perkins Commercial.   Yay----I am doing it.     Just have to practice and audition.  Go to the next one.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Northbrook Library rules! Finally got over to this library and it has all kinds of libretto's and music. Just bolstered my repertoire of music. Northbrook Public Library Location


Shots from my First Horror Flick   BAD MOON RISING.   I get to die in it.  Yay!  Takes Family camping to a new level.  Final cut coming soon.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Musical of the Living Dead Audition

Just auditioned and got called back for this crazy show, which I apparently get soaked with blood every night.  Never had a director told me to be BIGGER!  MORE!  (Music to my ears)  Pretty campy send up of Zombie movies, waiting to hear.

Chicago’s “BEST MUSICAL!” -The Chicago Reader:

'via Blog this'

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Auditioned for "In Gods Hat" for Profiles Theater

Was a great  Neo Nazi biker guy role and they asked me if I wanted to shave my head.  No Problem!   Alas, I have heard nothing, but it was fun.

And wahoo!  I am on the IMDb film database for my film DEPRIVED.  Pretty cool.  Now just need to fill it up with other action packed film clips.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pretty Endings PRETTY COOL

Went to my first premiere at Loyola for the showing of Pretty Endings and it was really great.  I was happy with my scenes.   And the soup drowning scene was great.   Can't put up a full clip of it due the director is going to submit to some film festivals.  But really was fun.

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

BAD MOON RISING shot and in the can

Finished shooting BAD MOON RISING  out at Gompers Park.  First film outside and we managed to be right in the flight path of  O'Hare on Saturday.   This park is right in Sauganash Village area which is at Peterson south to Foster right near the 94.  Really amazing area.  Took some photo's below.
It was a little muddy, but really fun crew and I felt good about it.


Just got some production photo's from Pretty Endings where I drown my girl friends lover in soup.  This premieres May 5 at Loyola.  Looking forward to it.

Understudying at The Artistic Home Night of the Iguana

I have been asked to understudy two parts for Night of the Iguana at the Artistic Home.     Got to start somewhere.   This sounds like being the equivalent of the 14th man on the basketball team and never know when you are going to be put in the game.    Should be interesting.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TWO Films shooting in next few weeks.

Excited to have a role in two short films the next two weekends.   PRETTY ENDINGS---old artist with a young girl friend and (go figure) she cheats on me and I get even with the other boy friend by drowning him in a nice vat of soup.  

Then BAD MOON RISING is an outdoor spooky, dark comedy monster adventure where I play the trouble divorced dad (a common character in many short films) who takes his two troubled teenage sons out into the woods----trapping.  And we run into a creature of the forest who does not like us.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Here I am in "The Earth Is to Be Flattened," an epic drama in pre-apocalyptic Earth.  (I'm the one with the hair.)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Doug and Bill's Excellent Dr. Who Adventure

While in Salisbury, England, on a path going to Old Sarum, who do we meet but Sgt Benton from the Dr. Who series, John Levene. He did a thirty-second spot for us.

Cut To The Chase

My one-act opened on February 9 at Artistic Home on Grand Ave. - "Cut To The Chase" - it ran the next two weekends as well, Friday and Saturday.